Advantages and Disadvantages of SHOPPING ONLINE

In the last decades a revolution has literally emerged in terms of online shopping, it is a sales modality that has achieved more and more presence in the market, becoming practically the main way to make transactions, without a doubt. This popular increase is due to the numerous advantages it offers compared to traditional shopping, saves time, has become a safe way to do it, avoids travel and makes flexible how to receive and pay for products.

buy online

Advantages and Disadvantages of buying online

Previously people had a great reluctance to make online shopping due to its unreliability but as payment methods have become more secure and big brands have been introduced in this sector, providing its reliability, a lot of people have been increasing the percentage of purchases made through this route.

Advantages of buying online

  • Time saving
  • Allows you to choose from a wide range of products that you may not have at your fingertips.
  • Deliveries are very fast and can be scheduled according to your preferences.
  • There are discount programs and offers that you can only access online.
  • If you are a business owner, you don’t need a physical store to make those sales.

Disadvantages of buying online

  • You won’t be able to try on the clothes or products you buy until you have received them.
  • You lose a strong face-to-face component of sales, which historically have been fundamentally social.
  • You can be vulnerable to scams.
  • Product returns can be somewhat tedious.