migration, or the process by which people move their place of residence between one territory and another, is an increasingly widespread process worldwide. The benefits of migration are generally much more notable than the prejudices, but it all depends on the circumstances of the area receiving such immigration, and the area of origin.

In general, migration usually occurs from the search for new personal or professional goals. Migrants change territory in search of a better life, with a higher quality of life and better opportunities, although this does not always turn out to be the case.

Just by observing the situation of the different migrants in the world in their new residence, we can already state that the effects of migration in a territory are highly dependent on a large number of overlapping circumstances. Some of the most influential factors are culture, educational and economic level, or religion.

Advantages of migration

  • Facilitates coexistence between cultures and mobility between the different labor and social sectors of nations.
  • It improves people’s ability to live in the country that best suits their lifestyle (not everyone has to want to live in the same country, and that doesn’t make it better or worse).
  • It promotes the emergence of a new culture and the mobility between different labor and social sectors of nations.
  • Encourages the emergence of bilingual and trilingual people, which brings educational and social benefits.
  • It increases the connection between territories in all aspects

Disadvantages of immigration

  • It can generate situations of disadvantage, where the immigrant, far from obtaining a better life, is trapped in a country where their human rights are not respected.
  • When migration is not based on meritocracy, it can generate unfair situations, where those who deserve an opportunity to migrate, are losing it in favor of people less qualified and prepared than them. All successful migration systems in the world are based on meritocracy, valuing factors such as knowledge of the language spoken in the region to which you want to migrate.
  • If it is not a question of meritocracy, then it is a question of merit.
  • If this issue is not properly addressed, migration can become illegal migration, which puts migrants in a situation of irregularity that will not allow them to advance in economic terms and, therefore, they will not be able to obtain a decent standard of living. This happens in countries like Spain, where politicians defend immigration to the hilt (some of them), but do nothing to change the dire situation that migrants who have to cross the Mediterranean on patera boats can end up living in.