The cloning could be defined as a process of asexual reproduction through which identical copies of a previously developed organism, molecule or cell are obtained.
More on cloning
Ian Wilmut and Keith Campbell are considered the fathers of cloning. In 1996 they succeeded in cloning an animal from an adult cell for the first time, the famous Dolly the sheep.
It should be clarified that cloning is not usually done with whole individuals, cells or organs are usually cloned. In the following article, we are going to show a series of advantages and disadvantages of cloning.
Advantages of cloning:
- Species improvement. The best adapted individuals can be selected, modified and cloned to improve the species. This technique is used with transgenic plants.
- Species conservation. There are currently many endangered species that could be saved thanks to cloning
- Medical research. The cloning of certain diseased cells or organs makes it possible to study certain diseases. Cloning contributes to the development of medicine as a new technique that allows experimentation and research into health problems.
Disadvantages of cloning:
- It slows down the evolution of the species. Cloning produces identical beings and therefore no genetic changes occur. Natural selection cannot act.
- Health problems. There have been many cases of cloned embryos with serious health problems. In addition, cloned individuals often have problems in the reproductive system.
- Ethics. For many people it is a very delicate issue since it is an artificial intervention in a natural process. This type of issue generates a lot of controversy in society.